Music at First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4, KJV)

Worship is the heartbeat of our ministry. Our style is traditional but not stuffy. We gather each Sunday at 10:20am to hear the Word of God proclaimed and to respond with praise, thanksgiving, and discipleship. A time of hospitality and refreshment follows in Fellowship Hall.


Our music and singing are led by our Sanctuary Choir and supported by our 20 rank Moeller pipe organ. Special music is occasionally offered by our bell choir, The Good News Ringers, and members with musical gifts periodically offer music during the summer months. Choir rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings and newcomers are always welcome to participate.


All baptized Christians are invited to partake in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, which is celebrated the first Sunday of each month as well as on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated for adults who are ready to make a public profession of faith and for children of active members of the congregation. Wedding requests may be submitted by active members to the Worship and Music Committee for Session approval.


The presence of children in worship is a special gift! We take the spiritual development of children seriously and seek ways to engage them during worship. A Children's Chat is offered three Sundays each month and little ones are invited to participate in worship activities throughout the year, such as our nativity pageant, Palm Sunday procession, singing songs learned at Vacation Bible School, and bringing special offerings forward. Parents are encouraged to keep their children with them throughout the service, but if the need arises to take a break, a nursery is available for children up to second grade and a diaper-changing station and play area is located behind the sanctuary in the Reading Room, where a live broadcast of the service is provided.
