Children and Youth Ministries at FPC Woodbridge

It all begins with GRACE

Every time we are gathered as a worshipping community as parents present their infant or child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, the congregation takes this vow, "Do you as members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture this child by word and deed, with love and prayer?"

Here their faith journey is nurtured, affirmed, supported and lived out through the following ministries:

Sunday School

Our Sunday school is for children age 3 through Adult. We meet every Sunday September - June at 9:10am. For registration and more information, please contact our Superintendent

Sunday School

Friday Fun Night

Friday Fun Night

Children Pre K through 5th grade are welcome to join us one Friday night a month for Bible stories, fun games, activities, crafts, snacks and fellowship! We meet in Fellowship Hall from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Dates are scheduled September through May and are always available on the church website calender.

Vacation Bible School

Our church hosts Vacation Bible School during 4 days in July each year. We welcome all children age 4 through 5th grade completed to join us for learning and fun! Our days include, Bible stories, recreation, snack, music, crafts and science. This year's theme is: "Surf Shack" - Catch the wave of God's amazing love! Dates are July 12th - July 15th 9am to 12pm. To register please click Here

Note: No fee to register



FPC Woodbridge Youth Groups

Our energetic and lively youth group gatherings happen on Sunday evenings in Fellowship Hall from 6-8 PM. Middlers - 6th through 8th grade; and Senior Highs - 9th through 12th grade each meet separately and combined once a month. Current schedule can be obtained by contacting the church or Rev. Shelley Gardner, Associate Pastor.

FPC Woodbridge Youth Group is a place of Fellowship and Fun where our youth and their friends contribute to the world around them through local, national, and international mission and service projects; and Praise God though participating in the life of the church and worship.

Some of the ways are youth participate is through:

  • CROP Walk
  • Souper Bowl of Caring
  • AYM, Asheville Youth Mission
  • Tooling Around the Township
  • Where Angels Play
  • Montreat Youth Conference
  • Camp Johnsonburg Presbyterian Retreat Center
Souper Bowl